28 Mount Street, Prahran

Twen­ty-five res­i­dences of vary­ing mag­ni­tude are avail­able, arranged over five lev­els, with secure lift access. Each res­i­dence is archi­tec­tural­ly designed and equipped in accor­dance with Mem­ber­ship Prahran’s high stan­dards of excellence.


Twen­ty-five res­i­dences arranged over five lev­els, with secure lift access. Each res­i­dence is pro­vid­ed with addi­tion­al secure stor­age space, locat­ed on the base­ment lev­el. For res­i­dents who cycle, bicy­cle stor­age is avail­able, and for those who dri­ve an auto­mat­ed dou­ble-lay­er car park with 18 under­cov­er bays, allo­cat­ed to spe­cif­ic residences. 

A roof ter­race over­looks Prahran with views of the CBD. Avail­able for the use of all res­i­dents and their guests. Built-in bar­be­cue and bath­room facil­i­ties are also provided.


Each res­i­dence is archi­tec­tural­ly designed, well appoint­ed and time­less­ly dressed. Bal­conies and bed­room win­dows through­out are arranged to take advan­tage of the fresh air and nat­ur­al light. Care­ful­ly select­ed con­tem­po­rary fit­tings, fix­tures and appli­ances are installed through­out, pro­vid­ing accom­mo­da­tion of endur­ing qual­i­ty, fin­ish and style. 

And fur­nished with advanced inte­grat­ed tech­nolo­gies for the com­fort and secu­ri­ty of all res­i­dents. Fur­ther­more, build­ing acoustics have been designed by the club’s inter­na­tion­al con­sul­tant, ensur­ing a suit­able ambi­ence is main­tained for each residence.


Prahran is one of the most live­able areas in Mel­bourne, one of the world’s most live­able cities. Boast­ing a pre­mier shop­ping dis­trict, rivalling the CBD for major brand stores and bou­tiques, a cen­tre for enter­tain­ment and inner-city living.


Prahran has an abun­dance of cafes, restau­rants, bars and clubs, book­stores, cloth­ing bou­tiques and music shops. A fresh food mar­ket famous for spe­cial­ties such as her­itage fruits and veg­eta­bles, exot­ic poul­try, game, seafood and cheeses. Also fea­tur­ing gar­dens and parks; aquat­ic, fit­ness and recre­ation facil­i­ties; togeth­er with arts and enter­tain­ment complexes.